Summer Body Skincare

Before you can finish asking the question, “Who’s ready for Pimms?”, it’s already June and here we are in Summer. This Spring was the hottest season in the UK on record, which left me reaching for my favourite pair of denim shorts in lockdown, rather than on a beach somewhere far, far away. There are so many reasons why I love the warmer weather, but there is also a lot of maintenance that goes on behind the scenes to prepare for it. Whether you consider some of the below as an already essential step to your skincare, or you are just looking for some tips between us friends, below I’m sharing with you 5 new habits you can add to your body skincare routine for Summer.

1. Body brushing

The Body Shop, Body Brush

Said to help increase bloodflow, circulation and reducing the appearance of cellulite alongside exercise, I’ve been dry brushing my body twice a week before I shower, followed by moisturizing. Holding firmly, gently brush your skin upwards in small strokes, towards your heart. I then use the brush in circular motions for those stubborn areas. Similar brush linked here on Amazon.

2. Exfoliating

Baxter of California’s Exfoliating Body Bar

Whether you want to prepare for your next round of fake tan application or avoid those pesky ingrown hairs, exfoliating your body will leave you with silky soft skin. This means you can use in the shower meaning it can also easily become a habitual practice, whilst being more eco-friendly. With so many products on the market my favourite are soaps. I’ve tried the natural deodorants from Baxter of California so took a chance on this product too and it did not disappoint!

3. Hair removal

Phillips Lumea Prestige

With our Summer travel plans looking to be drastically different this year and salons currently closed for the visit to the waxing lady, all is not lost. I’ve been using the Phillips Lumea Prestige to help slow down hair growth in between salon visits. (Stay tuned for a full review soon…)

4. Dark spot corrector

Revolution Dark Spot Corrector

Whether it’s freckles, dark spots or discoloration from acne etc, I give you this the miracle serum. After 3 uses in a week I could already see a difference. Tell everyone about this! On offer now (ends today) at Boots for £6.67 rather than it’s normal price of £10!

5. SPF

Mimitika Face Suncream

The skin on our face is much more delicate than the rest of our body, so I’ve been ensuring I apply a face suncream particularly during the U.K. heatwave! I am conscious to protect my skin from premature aging, prevent burning and importantly protect my face (& body) from skin cancer. With so many brands to choose from, this is a vital step that should not be missed. I’ve been using Mimitika which I discovered through my Birchbox prescription a while ago. This suncream sits on the face lightly without any oily residue and is on offer now for £14 rather than it’s usual £20!

What steps have you been adding to your Summer body skincare routine? Let me know below!

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11 responses to “Summer Body Skincare”

  1. I need to try body brushing! I think that would help a lot. Great post!


    1. You don’t need to do it too hard and twice a week is enough. Thanks for reading!

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